Communications à des colloques internationaux avec actes

1-     Charles, I., Herrier, G., Chevalier, Ch., Durand, E., Puiatti, D., Fleureau, J.-M., Taibi, S., Bonelli, S., Fry, J.-J., 2014. A real scale experimental dike in lime-treated soil: Evaluation of the methodology, mechanical and hydraulic performance. 7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE), Perth, Australia, December.

2-     Charles, I., Herrier, G., Chevalier, Ch., Durand, E., 2015. A real scale experimental dike in lime-treated soil: Evaluation of the methodology, mechanical and hydraulic performance. 16th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 13-17.

3-   Deneele D., Chemeda Y., Ouvrard G. 2016. Effect of calcium on kaolinite surface properties, Goldschmidt Conference 2016, Yokohama, Japan, June 26- July 1st.

4-     Herrier, G., Puiatti, D., Bonelli, S., Fry, J.-J., Nerincx, N., Froumentin, M., 2015. Le traitement des sols à la chaux : une technique innovante pour la construction des ouvrages hydrauliques en terre. 25ème Congrès des Grands Barrages, Stavanger, Norvège, juin, 554-576.

5-   A. Pouya, T.D. Vo, S. Hemmati, V.L. Nguyen (2015)  “Numerical modeling of hydric cracking of an unsaturated soil” SEC 2015 International Symposium, Marne la Vallée, France, 1-10

6-   Lenoir Thomas, Preteseille, Mathieu, 2016, Fatigue behavior of cement-modified soils reinforced with a small amount of fibers, NT2F 2016, 16th International Conference on New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture, 24/05/2016, DUBROVNIK, CROATIE, 2p,

7-   Preteseille, Mathieu, Lenoir, Thomas, 2016, Mechanical fatigue of a stabilized/treated soil tested with uniaxial and biaxial flexural tests, TRA2016 - Transportation Research arena : Moving forward Innovative solutions fortomorrow's mobility, 18/04/2016, Varsovie, POLOGNE, Transportation Research Procedia, Elsevier, 14, pp.1923-1929,

8-     Le Kouby, A., Chevalier, Ch., Saussaye, L., 2016. Dikes reinforced by deep mixing techniques - long term properties. 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE), Oxford, UK, 12-15 september.

9-     xxxx, 2018.Communication prévue au 26th World Congress of the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), Vienna, Austria, July 4-6